Friday, February 29, 2008

Haiku Friday!

Haiku Friday

The weather is warm
Spring is here in the desert
Why are we still sick?

But don't cheer for March
It's always windy that month
Stirs up allergies

I can write them too!
Click top button to see more
Now it's time to eat!

(breakfast, that is....)


Kat said...

I am so excited March is almost here. Hurry up, Spring!

Scylla said...

My March is always full of the sick! Nice 'ku's!!

Jennifer said...

Spring can't come soon enough...of course minus the hayfever that always shows up, though.

storyteller said...

Great 'Kus ... Hope Spring comes to everyone soon w/o the allergies!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Wonderful haikus! Have a great weekend!

Justin said...

Wow babe! I didn't know you could do that!